Program Manager
Program Coordinator – DRC
Eugenie Kisikyabo Moto is a dynamic and reliable woman who believes in a community where people can thrive. She brings with her many years of public and private sector experience in community development. Holder of a master’s degree in development sciences (project management and administration), she is a true community mobilizer. Her actions in the community tend to bring about a change in mentality and behavior.
For BLFA, she carries out field missions for the awareness and community mobilization of the population on issues related to sustainable development, equal rights between men and women and more specifically on the protection and assistance to most marginalized people, especially women and children.
She ensures the programmatic and operational implementation of all project components in accordance with the principles and procedures of BLFA and the implementation of projects, and contributes to their success.
Team Member Since 2021
Program Consultant – DRC
Bio Coming…
Team Member Since 2022
Administrative Assistant – DRC
With a Master Degree in Management Science (Marketing Management), Miriam Deborah Katindi brings 4 years of experience from private and non-profit sectors in administration and human resources management.
Team Member Since 2020
Executive Assistant
Patricia Amunazo Moto brings over 3 years of experience in Gender, Family and Children.
She works in the public sector in RDC defending the rights of children and women’s empowerment. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality and Tourism (public relations and protocol) and is pursuing a Master degree in the same field. She is passionate about women and children’s rights. She believes in a Congo where women are empowered and have a voice in the place of decision.
For the past two years, she has been acting as an administrative support person for the management and executive team in DRC, ensuring that BLFA meets all legal and administrative operational requirements. She also serves as a liaison between Canada and Congo BLFA teams. She is the point of contact between BLFA and all external entities for all matters pertaining to the operations of the organization.
Team Member Since 2020
Website Coordinator
May is a Web Application & Website Development Professional with over several years of experience and expertise in delivering high-valued projects and applications in the field of internet-related and e-commerce businesses.
She is a passionate individual with a strong belief in giving back to society. This was expressed by volunteering with BLFA in her first month in Canada, from her home country Myanmar (Burma). She is an advocate of “paying it forward”. She will say “Helping others makes me feel good”
She oversees the functionality of the website, evaluates, and manages website performance, facilitates hosting and server management.
She ensures that BLFA website content and links are up to date and security measures are implemented overseas.
Team since 2022
Web Developer
Shivani is passionate about social good and technology.
With only one year of living in Canada, she has done so much by working as a Research Associate Software Developer in Healthcare System and also doing good for our community.
In 2022, Shivani began working with us as a full-stack developer after completing the certification. As part of the web development team, she has assisted in the presentation of our hard work and efforts by bringing it to the website.
Team Member Since 2022
Social Media | Content Creator
Danny is a graduate from Fanshawe College with an Event Planning background and a focus on digital marketing with social media coordination. His focus is on increasing awareness of Bright Lights for Africa’s many campaigns on our social media channels and through our website. Danny joined Bright Lights for Africa to further his knowledge in the social media management space while seeking a way to give back to Canada and help people who may not have the opportunity to speak for themselves.
As a member of our remote team and a London, ON local, Danny spends most of his time hiking, camping, playing games and spending time with his friends.
Team member since 2022
Field Officer – DRC
Social Media Coordinator
Helping us tell our story at Bright Lights for Africa, we have Paul who leads our social media channels. He brings our foundation’s voice and mission to life through the use of graphic design, copywriting, content creation and planning.
Paul is passionate about helping out those who need it most, while also leveraging his love for social media to do good around him. Of Nigerian descent himself, our cause resonated with him, inspiring a desire to increase the awareness of African nations and cultures who are not typically reported on, in order to bring about the change that is required.
Team Member Since 2022
Coming Soon
Appointed on August 24, 2020
Board Member
Appointed on August 24, 2020
Board Member
Appointed on January 31, 2022
Appointed on August 24, 2020
Executive Director/President
Appointed on August 24, 2020
Jenny Rutayomba is the founder of Bright Lights for Africa. She has a Finance and Accounting background and has a vast amount of experience working in the private and public sectors in Congo as well as with the Federal Government in Canada. Jennys’ strong sense of devotion to the non-profit sector, her love for people and passion for helping individuals realize their full potential, led her to found Bright Lights for Africa.
She is passionate about bringing sustainable change to vulnerable families and communities struggling with poverty and food insecurity thereby empowering them to rise above their current challenges. She believes in giving back to society and over the years has been dedicated to serving tirelessly within the communities she has found herself. Jenny is a doer and is driven by the principles of hard work, perseverance, consistency and dedication. One of her greatest desires is to inspire positive change through acts of love and service, wherever she finds herself.
Outside of managing a non-profit, Jenny is a devoted wife and mother of two biological children as well as a foster parent to three kids. She is also a Pastor in her local church and has been instrumental in transforming the operations of ministries within the church.